Finding Inspiration at Every Turn
September 9: Conference Kick-Off, 6-8pm
September 20 - 21: Conference Sessions
Due to overwhelming response, the 2024 conference registration and waiting list are full.
We appreciate your interest in this learning opportunity. If you would like to receive the registration link for the 2025 conference when it opens next summer, complete the interest form found here.
We look forward to seeing you at next years conference.
About the Conference
The Early Career Educators Leadership (ECEL) virtual conference is designed to support educators in their first to tenth years of teaching and promote leadership capacity by encouraging these educators in both urban and rural areas to continue as teachers. The conference is open to all Nevada educators, and a $300 stipend is available for the first 125 teachers who register and attend the conference and who are in their first to tenth year of service.
Conference presentations are delivered by teacher leaders, education specialists, and wellness experts.
The conference schedule allows participants to process the information and discuss ways to implement strategies effectively in their teaching context.
The virtual format offers equitable access for rural educators who cannot travel to an in-person conference.
Kickoff Event
Key Note Speakers
Breakout Sessions
Reflective Activities
Event Information
The ECEL Conference provides 4 ways to engage in your learning journey.
"I have learned new ways to engage my students. I have learned ways to calm myself by breathing. I have gained ways to improve in my professional and personal life and the importance of balancing the two."
"I really enjoyed this professional learning experience. It left me feeling like I am part of a community that understands the way I feel and the struggles that I face."
2023 Participant Reflections
"Next steps that I will take to guide me in future professional growth is finding more ECEL learning opportunities. I really enjoyed the insight I got from the speakers who presented. I liked that they were realistic and showed actual real student responses and expectations. Going forward I want to focus even more on what students need."
We are honored to highlight our keynote
and breakout room presenters.
What does ECEL mean?ECEL stands for Early Career Educator Leadership. A conference and fellowship organized by the Nevada State Teachers of the Year and Finalists, and financially supported by the Nevada Department of Education.
Who can attend the ECEL Conference?Any certified teacher in Nevada.
Can I get paid to attend the conference?Nevada educators who are in their first through tenth year of teaching are eligible for a $300 stipend for attending the 1 1/2 day conference and the kick off event.
Can I get credit for attending the ECEL Conference?Yes! To earn one credit through Southern Utah University, you must attend the Conference Kick-Off on September 9th and all Conference Sessions on September 20th-21st. You will also be required to write a short reflection about the sessions you attended. The reflection will be due two weeks after the conference. The cost of the credit is $23 and is paid directly to SUU.
How do earn the stipend for the conference?In order to earn the stipend for the conference you must attend all the sessions as well as participate in the kick off event. At the end of every session you will complete a session survey and reflection piece that is submitted as your attendance.
If I am not in my first to tenth year of teaching, may I still attend the conference?Yes. The conference is open to all Nevada teachers and we ask that you bring along an early career educator with you.
How do I sign up for the conference?Throughout this webpage you will see the Sign UP! button. Click and complete the online registration. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.